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We want to warn you about the con artist KONSTANTINE BAYBARZA!

We want to warn you about the con artist KONSTANTINE BAYBARZA!

We want to warn you about the con artist KONSTANTINE BAYBARZA!

Watch out! Konstantine Baybarza is a swindler!

Born on 25.01.1980. Place of birth – Odessa. Currently lives in France.

Mobile phone number: +33783171054.

He introduces himself as a broker working in the field of sports and music events.

Previously he introduced himself as the director of Eventic 365.

Currently he accepts payment for the tickets that he does not intend to provide using the account of STF Management Ltd Company, which is registered in his name (аddress: Unit 2.2, 4 Pitmans Alley, Main Street, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA Gibraltar, е-mail: kb@eventic365.com).

If you are planning to buy tickets for prestigious cultural or sporting events like Paris Olympics tickets, tickets for Formula 1, Paddock Club Formule 1 and others, don't trust your money to Konstantine Baybarza.

In our case here's what happened. Over the course of a year, Konstantin worked on gaining our trust by posing as a ticket broker. He cited our many mutual acquaintances in the tourism community (this is indeed true). We decided to try and work with him. He provided a contract, certificates for a company registered in Gibraltar and other documents.

We paid around 20,000 (twenty thousand) euros for tickets to a sporting event months in advance. In the end, some of the tickets we were given were of the lowest category instead of a high one, and some tickets of the highest category (two tickets to the Paddock Club) were not provided at all.

And he did not give us any explanations about what happened. Every day he promised that the tickets would be delivered and replaced. However, this didn't happen.   He even suggested that we pay for our tickets once more, since he supposedly had his account blocked that day. Which was totally inappropriate since we paid for the tickets 3 months in advance. Our numerous requests to provide us with documents confirming the payment for our tickets were completely ignored.

When we requested a refund of our money, we were sent a fake document about refund.

And, as expected, no funds have been credited to our account.

If Konstantine Baybarza were a Russian citizen, he could have been charged with large scale fraud according to Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_10699/8012ecdf64b7c9cfd62e90d7f55f9b5b7b72b755/.

To confirm that our accusations are not unfounded, and this character has deceived not only our company, here we publish screenshots from various specialized tourism communities in social media, confirming many such deceptions not only of customers, but also of ticket suppliers.

If you also are a victim of Konstantine Baybarza's actions, let's unite to ensure that this man's activities won't stay unpunished.

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ООО Студия индивидуального отдыха и туризма "Свои Люди".
Логотип 105062, Россия, г. Москва, Лялин переулок, д. 9, стр.1, подъезд 1
Телефон: +7 (495) 660-49-33,

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